On October 7, I went to see the drama Madness of Edger Allen Poe by David Rice, presented by First Folio Theater. The venue was Mayslake Peabody Estate, a part of the DuPage Forest Preserve District. Although I went there several times before, I thought this was the best place for the drama. I was mesmerized by the actors and actresses, the setup and Poe's works included in the play. It was very cool to talk to several theater buffs from Chicago. I have known about First Folio theater for a while since one of my colleagues was a part of the original team, but as usual never went before. I look forward to seeing more performances. See a review: http://www.chicagotribune.com/entertainment/theater/theaterloop/ct-ent-1006-madness-poe-review-20121005,0,4350187.story
----- I am catching up on my blogging.